Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hello all!
I wanted to update you all on the happenings with the yearbook. Pre-Nclex, I moved very slowly with the yearbook, (because I had to study for NCLEX, of course). Post NCLEX I moved swiftly to complete the yearbook (because I want to get this thing from over my head).

Anyway, when I went to open the yearbook document in my laptop, so I could show one of our classmates the last phase of the book; the book would not open, stating "It had a broken link"! This has been disasterous!!!!!! Please have patients with me.

Please know, I have all of your money sitting in a bank acct at Washington Mutal UNTOUCHED, if waiting for the yearbook is a problem for you, please contact me, I will keep you all updated, hoping to finish the ReDo of this yearbook by the end of next week.

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