Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Grad Pictures!

I just wanted to update everyone on the goings on with the yearbook. I received a call at the end of last week from Blue Rascals, stating "Due to staffing issues, they were unable to take our pinning ceremony pictures". However she did refer me to another company. Since then, I have contracted with a company by the name of Fritzchin Photography (I know, weird name huh) www.fritzchin.com , but they have a department that specializes in school photography. They have experience with Capping and Pinning ceremonies. Another great bit of news, they will keep the same pricing Blue Rascals quoted us, which is SUPER because the packages ranged from $22-$66. This company also plans to be present during the entire ceremony taking pictures, including the moment each of us is pinned, and we will be able to purchase pictures from their website. I am very excited about this company. Lastly I want to say, Blue Rascals is a wonderful company and it was wonderful she told me this information well in advance, instead of "Trying to make it work". So please keep them in mind for your further photography needs!


lindseymay said...

i did my highschool graduation pictures at fritz chin... they were really good!!!...great job Nicole!!

Nurse Nickey said...

Thanks! I want our stuff to be off the hook!!!