Friday, February 29, 2008


I think it is so great of you all to volunteer to be speakers!! However, maybe only half of our class participates in the blog and there may be many more students interested in speaking. I think we need to list all interested people on the board, then take a vote by paper for 4 people that we would like to represent our class. All the papers can be turned in folded to one person or maybe even Mrs. Azevedo and counted for the 4 people with the most votes to be our speakers. This way we can avoid any fellow students feelings being hurt by watching a show of hands or something along those lines. We can also ask if students would like to nominate fellow students for this honor and if this nominee accepts they can also be added to the list on the board for voting this can help out some of our more modest students that might like the opportunity as well. Or something along these lines...........these are just my thoughts on this, please feel free to comment on what you all think. I know for some classes in the past the selection of class speakers has been very tense and has not always gone smoothly.



Danielle Mathias-Lamb said...

Absolutely! It should be a democratic and all inclusive process.

Nurse Nickey said...

Sounds good Kelly! That makes alot of sense. I didn't know the speaker vote had been so tense in the past. I am sure this way will work out for the best! See you all Monday, with Resumes in hand :)

Cindy (Cynthia) Tinney said...

Sounds like a great idea. I to have heard about things getting nasty around graduation issues, let us be the class that is different. :)

lindseymay said...

great idea kelly!!!

Alejandra said...

Hey that is a great idea. If ok I would like to help in the orgainzation of the speaker selection process. I will make the announcement on Monday and hopefully we can come to an agreement as to who will have the honor to represent our class as our 4 speakers.