Saturday, December 16, 2006

GREAT INFO........

Hi All,
Just wanted to let every one know that there is some great information posted by Bonnie and other students from 4th semster in the 4th semester blog under may 2005 that all has to do with our N2 final and some great study info. and study guide questions as well. I have also posted some practice questions from the test bank and other info. I felt was useful everything below is copied from 4th semester blog when they were in N2.

Have Fun!!

Heart and Med Qs
Tachyarrhythmias and pacemakers
Chest Pain
Right Side or Left Side HF quiz
Quick HTN quiz
Heart Center Online Quizes
Cardiovascular Test
Mixed Qs for N2 Final
Practice mixed Qs
The Silent Killer
HTN's Grip

Misc. Study Comments from Final's Eve

Preload increases in left side CHF,
After load also increases because renin release and vasoconstriction (kidneys don’t care about the heart) result is a decrease in contractility.
No hair eventually on legs with CHF - perfusion problem - 02, no hair
Bronchodilation is not a mechanism of action, whereas activation of the beta 2 receptors which cause bronchdilation is.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is ordered. An elevation will indicate something is going on, like an infection.

Study and Memory Aids

Angina: Pain pattern
Exertion = Pain;
Rest + Nitro = Relief
Angina Precipitating Factors - 3 E's
Exertion (Exercise)
Unstable Angina
Occurs at rest

Myocardial Infarction: "INTENSE PAIN"
I schemia
N ecrotic cardiac tissue
T ightness in chest
E xtended duration
N ausea
S evere pain
E CG changes

P revent Valsalva manuever
A nxiety
I ntense
N ot relieved by rest

Heart Failure: "OVERLOAD"
O rthopnea
V entricular failure
E nlarged heart
R eported weight gain
L ungs congested
O utput decreased
A pprehension
D ependent edema

Pulmonary Edema: "FOWLERS"
F ailure- left ventricular
O rthopnea
W heezing
L ung congestion
E mergency
R estless
S kin- cyanotic

Diets- (Low) (High)

Angina Pectoris
L- Calories
L- Cholesterol
L- Fat
L- Gas-forming foods

Heart Failure
L- Sodium
Small frequent feedings

Pulmonary Edema
L- Sodium
L- Fluids

Hypotension Vs Hypertension
Hypotension Hypertension
Angina Esential hypertension
MI Anemias
Pericarditis Arteriosclerosis
valve defects Polycythemia
Heart Failure
Anxiety Nervous
Apprehension Irritable
Dec mentality Memory
Confusion Depression
No diff Dec. vib sensation
reflex change
Babinski reflex
coordination change
Head and Neck
Distend neck veins Bruits over carotid
Worried expression Distend neck veins

Hypertension Study Aids
Assessment of hypertension: ELEVATEDED

E- xertional SOB
L- ack of activity
E- arly morning headache
V- ascular changes
A- nxiety increased
T- ired
E- pitaxis
D- iastolic pressure elevated

Complications: 4 Cs


NO Caffeine

H- Vitamins B & C
L- Fat

L-Caloric Intake

Heart Meds
Chrono(time)tropic effect
- change in the heart rate - change refractory length
Dromo(running)tropic effect - change in the electrical conduction speed across the myocardium
Ino(fiber)tropic - change in the strength or contractility of the heart - cardiac glycosides - Frank-Starling law -
Digoxin - Heart beat harder, slower
tropic - to influence
Sodium channel blockers - Quinidine - stabilize dysrhythmias by slowing spread of impulse conduction across the myocardium
Watch GI upset, digoxin, ekg
Potassium channel blockers - Amiodarone - stabilize dysrhythmias by prolonging duration the action potential and extending the refractory period
Watch blurred vision, light sensitivity, lung probs, GI upset, rash, digoxin, ekg
Calcium channel blockers - Verapamil are similar to beta blockers. Reduced automaticity in the SA node, slowed impulse conduction through AV node and prolonged refractory period
Watch bradycardia, digoxin, hypotension, headaches, constipation
Beta-adrenergic blockers - 'lols -propranolol - stabilize dysrhythmias by slowing heart rate and decreasing conduction velocity through AV node.
Watch hypotension, bradycardia - take pulse, dim. sex and impotence
Digoxin, (Adenosine, Ibutilide - rapid short term) are used for specific dysrhythmias, but do not act by blocking channels
Watch potassium, visual halos, GI upset, ekg
ACE inhibs - 'prils - ousts sodium and water which reduces afterload and preload by lowering blood volume and peripheral resistance
Watch cough, potassium, taste, hypotension
Diuretics - 'ides and spironolactone - reduce blood volume, edema, congestion - lowers blood pressure and workload
Watch electrolytes, hypotension, dehydrationPlease add missing info, I did this real fast to start off.


Danielle Mathias-Lamb said...

Great stuff, Kelly! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good hunting! There is a lot to be found in the previous blogs if you are willing to look for it.

Denise Williams said...

Durston told some people that not all the info posted on the blog is correct. So be sure to look up the info as well. She didn't say what was wrong.