Saturday, October 14, 2006


16. Kozier p. 1157-1158

PCA- Patient Controlled Analgesia

PCA is an interactive method of pain management that permits clients to treat their pain by self administering doses of analgesics. With parenteral routes the client administers a predetermined dose of narcotic by an electronic infusion pump. This allows the client to maintain a more constant level of relief yet need less medication for pain relief.

PCA can be effectively used for clients with acute pain related to surgical incision, traumatic injury, or for labor and delivery, and for chronic pain as with cancer.

The physician prescribes the analgesic dose, route, and frequency, w/ the client administering the med. Clients pain must be assessed at regular intervals and analgesic use is documented in the clients record.

PCA's are designed with built-in safety mechanisms to prevent client overdose, abusive use, or narcotic theft. After pushing the button and the preset dose is delivered a programmable lockout interval (usually 10-15 mins) follows the dose, when an additional dose cannot be given even if the client presses the button

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