Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Question of the week 10.23.06

A young adult male has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Which of these statements by this client would need to be explored by the nurse to clarify his understanding?

1. "This surgical procedure involves removing one or both testicles through a cut in the groin. My lymph nodes in my lower belly also may be removed."
2. "I have a good chance to regain my fertility later. However if I am concerned, I can have my sperm frozen and preserved (cryopreserved) before chemotherapy."
3. "If I have cancer at stage 3 it means I have less involvement of the cancer."
4. "After the surgical removal of a testicle, I can have an artificial testicle (prosthesis) placed inside my scrotum. This artificial implant has the weight and feel of a normal testicle."

1 comment:

Danielle Mathias-Lamb said...

The correct answer is number: 3

Stage 3 is the most extensive involvement of cancer with any type.