Sunday, October 15, 2006


#22 Discuss the aging process and medicaiton administration
· Altered memory- they may think they took their med, when they haven’t, or think they haven’t taken the med and take it again causing an overdose.
· Less acute vision- impaired vision may lead them to take the wrong med, or the wrong dose, or at the wrong times.
· Decrease in renal function, resulting in slower elimination of drugs and higher drug concentrations in the blood stream for longer peroids, so they may require smaller doses fo a drug because the drug and its metabolites may accumulate in the body.
· Less complete and slower absorption form the gastrointestinal tract
· Decreased liver funciton, which hinders biotransformation of drugs, creating a cumulative effect.
· Decreased organ sensitivity, which means theat the response to the same drug concentration in the vicinity of the target organ is less in older peole than in the young.
· Altered quality of organ responsiveness, resulting in dverse effects becoming pronounced before therapuetic eggects are achieved
· Decreased in manual dexterity due to arthitis and or decrease in felexibility makes it diffcult to open and adminster meds.
Kozier pg 805

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