Saturday, August 19, 2006

Great Skills Lab !!!

Hey All,
Just a note to let every one know that our first Skills Lab on Friday was GREAT!! I went in feeling totally nervous and some what intimidated about having to perform all the things that I viewed on the videos and feeling really unprepared even though I had done all the reading and viewing I could possibly handle, but guess what..............IT WAS A WONDERFUL experience!! There is often much humor in what goes on in there hint, those of you that have Richard Sevilla you might consider shaving your legs and making sure your feet are clean and presentable prior to lab..........Just in case you get to meet Ted with your class mates! There were some times we were trying to do a skill on a class mate and ended up in tears......From laughter. We all seemed to walk in mostly not knowing each other and self conscious, and then very quickly wanting to all help each other and laughing along together to get through the reality of knowing yes, you too will be wiping many BUTTS! I really came out of skills Friday with soooooo much more confidence and less nerves and fears about learning all the necessary skills that I need to move on and accomplish to reach my goal. Many of these skills we will be learning are intimidating but I know with the great skills lab set up, we can ALL accomplish our goal. A big Thank You to Richard Sevilla for running such a educational and fun hands on lab session and not making any question seem dumb or "common sense". Did any body else enjoy their skills lab yet??? I must admit, our blog seems pretty lonely.................any body out there?????????????????????


Karen said...

Hi Kelly and everyone

I had a great time too; and definitely feel more comfortable. It was nice getting to know some more new faces too. As Kelly said, Richard S. is great and he not only made if fun but very comfortable.
Enjoy your skills lab next week.

Karen M.

Celia Stinson said...

just curious...what did everyone go over in their skills lab?? our group hardly covered anything and that really worries me..