Saturday, September 23, 2006


25. Discuss the outcomes for the client who has the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern.

Client Will (Specify Time Frame):
-Demonstrate a breathing pattern that supports blood gas results within the client's normal parameters
-Report ability to breathe comfortably
-Demonstrate ability to perform pursed-lip breathing and controlled breathing and use relaxation techniques effectively
-Identify and avoid specific factors that exacerbate episodes of ineffective breathing patterns

From Evolve website

1 comment:

Kelly said...

CLIENT WILL: (specify time frame)

 Establish a normal/effective respiratory pattern
 Be free of cyanosis and other signs/symptoms of hypoxia with ABGs within clients normal range
 Verbalize awareness of causative factors and initiate needed lifestyle changs
 Demonstrate appropriate coping behaviors

Nurse’s Pocket Guide, Diag., Interv., Rationales 9/e (palm pilot) Ineffective Breathing Pattern