Thursday, September 21, 2006


7. P.1279-1280

Nursing care of the indwelling catheter is largely directed toward preventing infection of the urinary tract and encouraging urinary flow through the drainage system. It includes encouraging large amounts of fluid intake, accurately recording I and O, changing the retention catheter and tubing, maintaining the patency of the drainage system, and teaching these measures to the client.

-Fluids: up to 3,000mL/day- keeps the bladder flushed out and decreases the likelihood of urinary stasis and subsequent infection.
-Dietary measures: acidifying the urine may decrease urinay tract infections. Eating acidific foods help: eggs, cheese, meat, plums, prunes, whole garins, poultry, etc.
-Perineal care: no special cleaning other than the routine care.
-Changing catheter and tubing: routine changing is not recommended.

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