Saturday, September 23, 2006


43. P. 1365-1366


Def: excess sodium in the ECF, or a serum sodium of greater than 145 mEq/L. Because of the osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid is increased, fluid moves out of the cells into the ECF. As a result, the cells become dehydrated.

Patient education regarding nutrition for hypernatremia:

teach client to avoid the intake of salt and foods high in sodium.

that is all I could find in the book..more info anyone?

1 comment:

Danielle Mathias-Lamb said...

43. Discuss the patient education regarding nutrition for the client who has hypernatremia.
Nutrition education for the client with hypernatremia include advising the client about restricting their intake of table salt and foods high in sodium like bacon, ham, processed cheese. The client should be recommended to increase water consumption. Prevention of hypernatremia includes drinking plenty of fluids, expecially during extremely hot weather and intense exercise, if illness includes vomiting or diarrhea make sure the lost fluids are replaced with clear liquids or electrolyte replacement. The client should he taught that hypernatremia is treatable but can lead to hypertension.

from Amie