Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Question #44 - 24 Hr Urine Specimen

#44 - Describe the procedure for collecting a 24 hour urine specimen.

Ch. 32, Pg 769

1. Obtain specimen container with preservative (if indicated) from the laboratory. Label the container with identifying information for the client, the test to be performed, time started, and time of completion.

2. Provide a clean receptacle to collect urine (bedpan, commode, or toilet collection device).

3. Post signs in the client's chart, Kardex, room, and bathroom alerting personnel to save all urine during the specified time.

4. At the start of the collection period, have the client void and discard this urine. (Again, this is the start of the timed urine specimen, and should be written on container, for example, 9/21/06, 0700).

5. Save all urine produced during the timed collection period in the container, refrigerating or placing the container on ice as indicated. Avoid contamination the urine with toilet paper or feces.

6. At the end of the collection period, instruct the client to completely empty the bladder and save this voiding as part of the specimen. Take the entire amount of urine collected to the laboratory with the completed requisition.

7. Record collection of the specimen, time started and completed, and any pertinent observations of the urine on appropriate records.

*Remember, ALL urine (except for the first voiding) in a 24 hour period must be collected for accurate results

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