Thursday, September 21, 2006

Study Guide Answer #8

8. Discuss the age related changes of the urinary and bowel eliminations.

BOOK- pg. 405, 1228-29, 1258
Urinary- excretory fxn of kidney diminishes, but not significantly below norm unless a disease process intervenes.
- Reduced filtering ability of kidney and impaired renal function (less # functioning nephrons and arteriosclerotic changes in blood flow)
- Less effective concentration of urine (decreased tubular function)
- Urinary urgency and urinary frequency (Enlarged prostate gland in men; weakened muscles supporting bladder or weakness of urinary sphincter in women)
- Tendency for nocturnal frequency and retention of residual urine (Decreased bladder capacity and tone)
- Decrease kidney fxn also places elder at higher risk for toxicity from meds if excretion rates longer
- Increased tendency for constipation (decreased muscle tone of intestines, peristalsis, inadequate fluid/fiber intake, decreased activity levels)
- Laxatives: inhibit natural defecation reflexes, decrease absorption of certain volumes,

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