Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Exam # 2 Study question - number 5

5. Discuss the patient education needed for the client with obtaining a midstream clean catch urine specimen.
P. 156, 160 in Tech.
Care is taken to ensure that the specimen is as free as possible from contamination by microorganism around the urinary meatus.
Use each towelettes only once.
Clean perineal area from front (area of least contamination) to back (greatest area of contamination) and discard it.
Instruct the client to start voiding: bacteria in the distal urethra and at the urinary meatus are cleared by the first milliliters of urine expelled.
Place specimen container into the stream of urine and collect specimen, taking care not to touch the container: avoid contaminating the interior of the specimen container and the specimen itself.
Collect 30 to 60 ml of urine
Cap the container tightly, touching only the outside to prevent contaminating and spilling of the specimen.
If necessary, clean outside of the container with a disinfectant to prevent transfer of microorganism to others.

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