Tuesday, September 19, 2006

test study questions

I guess i will start the questions for the next exam. There are a lot of questions this time around.

1. Discuss the indicators needed to assess the fluid status of clients.
P. 1371
Current and Past Medical History
Seeing a health care provider for treatment of any chronic diseases or disorders
Experiencing any acute conditions such as severe trauma, head injury, thyroid or parathyroid disorders.
Medications and Treatments
Currently taking medications on a regular basis, or undergone any treatments such as dialysis, tube feedings, etc.
Food and Fluid Intake
How much and what type of fluids do you drink a day.
Describe diet on a typical day
Recent changes in diet or fluid intake.
On restrictive diet?
Has food and fluid intake been affected by changes in appetite, nausea, pain, difficulty breathing.
Fluid Output
Recent changes in frequency and amount of urine output
Problems with vomiting or constipation.
Any unusual fluid losses such as excessive sweating.
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Bases Imbalances
Gained or loss weight
Symptoms of excessive thirst, dry skin or mucous membranes, dark or concentrated urine, or low urine output.
Problems with swelling of hands or feet, difficulty breathing, how many pillows you sleep with.
Experience any of the following symptoms: difficulty concentration or confusion, dizziness or feeling faint, muscle weakness, twitching, cramping, excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, burning, abdominal cramping, heart palpations.

Measurements P.1369
Daily weights
Fluid intake and output

Review of Laboratory test results p. 1375
Serum electrolytes
Complete blood count
Urine ph
Urine specific gravity
Arterial blood gases

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