Thursday, September 21, 2006

Questions 11 and 39

11. Pallor: result of inadequate circulating blood or hemoglobin and subsequent reduction in tissue oxygenation. It may be difficult to determine in clients with dark skin. It is usually characterized by the absence of underlying red tones in the skin and maybe most readily seen in the buccal mucosa. In brown-skinned clients, pallor may appear a yellowish brown tinge; in black clients, the skin may appear ashen gray. Pallor in all people is usually most evident in areas with the least pigmentation such as the conjunctiva, oral mucosa membranes, nail beds, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.

39. Purpose of the condom catheter:
Prescribed for incontinent males, so as to not soil themselves. Preferable to insertion of a retemtion catheter b/c the risk for urinary tract infection is minimal. With the condom catheter you do need to be aware of the RF for skin breakdown.

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