Saturday, September 02, 2006

#29 Phases of Critical Thinking

Process which stresses an attitude of suspended judgment, incorporates logical thinking, problem solving, evaluation and leads to decision or action. Dynamic cognitive process that helps to apply knowledge through interpretation, analysis, evaluation, draw inferences and provide explanations to ensure accuracy in making clinical decisions (lecture power point definitions 9/1)

The nursing process phases of ADPIE and critical thinking are interrelated and interdependent but they are not identical, both involve problem solving, decision making and creativity.


DECISION MAKING---includes setting and weighing criteria, seeking alternatives, examining alternatives, projecting, implementing and evaluation the action.

1. Identify the purpose--identify why a decision is needed and what needs to be
2. Set criteria--what to achieve (pain relief) what to preserve(cognitive &
function) what to avoid (CNS depression,resp.depression,nausea)
3. Weigh the criteria--set priorities,rank activities from least to most
4. Seek alternatives--all possible ways to meet criteria.
5. Examine alternatives--analyze alternatives
6. Project-- apply creative thinking and skepticism to see what could go wrong.
7. Implement--decision plan placed into action
8. Evaluate the outcome--determine the effectiveness of the plan and if initial
purpose was achieved.

PROBLEM SOLVING: trial and error, intuition,the nursing process,the scientific method,and the modified scientific method or research process when they participate in nursing and health research.

CREATIVITY: Enhances critical thinking creative nurses generate many ideas rapidly, are flexible and natural, create original solutions to problems, tend to be independent and self confident and demonstrate individuality.

Please fill free to add on or comment on this topic if your understanding differs.
Information from chapter 15 multiple pages and chapter summary

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