Saturday, September 02, 2006


Heres another one b/c it doesnt seem we are having much participation!



*Wash Hands and wear gloves
* Use the sulcular technique and brush at the gums at a 45 degree angle
*If client can not sit up or is UCS(unconscious) have them lie to their side with their head turned so the liquid does not drain down their throat and aspirate their lungs.
-Put the head in th lowest position if possible.

With dentures:

*wash hands and wear gloves
*make sure not to drop dentures as they can break
* do not use hot water as it can damage the shape
*Observe dentures for rough, sharp, or worn areas before putting back into the clients mouth

*When rinsing mouth with the syringe do not use force it can go down the throat and be aspirated into the lungs.

*Make sure all fluids in the mouth comes out- if not, suction it out b/c fluid remaining can be aspirated into the lungs.

* Makesure to keep the mouth moist because food is not fed thru the mouth and the mouth can get very dry

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